Saturday, 14 June 2014

My Holiday

After waiting for a semester with my day filled with lessons and tasks, finally holiday is coming. I already prepared for my semester-end holiday a few months before the holiday, because I have to bought the airplane ticket to go home as soon as possible to avoid the price increasing at the peak season.

I spent my holiday at Palembang, because it's where my family live now. I went there with my father by using airplane. In Palembang, I spent my time with my family, especially with my brother and sister. I also went to my junior high school to meet my teachers and friends.

During the holiday, I also went to my friends house and gather with some of my friends. Then, we went to cinema and watch movies. Sometimes we also played console games together. That was very fun.

Beside having fun, I also gets back to my daily routinity at home; helping my mother to do housework. Sometimes I mop the floor, wash the dishes, laundry the clothes, or helping my little brother to take a bath. Even it makes me tired, it's always fun to do something with family, especially if it helps each other.

Finally the holiday is over. I have to get back to Bandung and continue my study at school. I went home by myself, started from the airport to took a plane, until at the travel shelter to took a travel. Then, I arrived at Bandung and prepare myself for school.

Dewa Athena

On Saturday, February 15th 2014, there was a special event in my school. It's the opening ceremony of Dewa Athena! Dewa Athena itself is a sport competition between each classes that was held by the Student Council Organization (OSIS) in my school and participated by all the student from 10th and 11th grade. 

At the opening ceremony of Dewa Athena, our Headmaster gives a short speech to all of us and oficially opened Dewa Athena by burning the Dewa Athena torch. After the opening ceremony, the activity is continued with some match, like football, basketball, and also badminton match. 

The first day of Dewa Athena ends at 5 p.m. It was a long day for me, because beside becoming the participant, I also became the part of the Dewa Athena committee. Even the opening is already over, but Dewa Athena isn't over yet. I'll have to prepare myself and be ready for the upcoming Dewa Athena match!!!

Monday, 2 June 2014

Inspiring Person

Description: Slash live in Rome by Paride.jpg

Saul Hudson, a.k.a Slash

Saul Hudson (born July 23, 1965), better known by his nickname Slash, is a British-American musician and songwriter. He is best known as the former lead guitarist of the American hard rock band Guns N' Roses, with whom he achieved worldwide success in the late 1980s and early 1990s. During his later years with Guns N' Roses, Slash formed the side project Slash's Snakepit. He then co-founded the supergroup Velvet Revolver, which re-established him as a mainstream performer in the mid to late 2000s. Slash has since released two solo albums, Slash (2010), featuring an all-star roster of guest musicians, and Apocalyptic Love (2012), recorded with singer/guitarist Myles Kennedy of Alter Bridge, along with rhythm section Brent Fitz, Frank Sidoris and Todd Kerns, known on the album as The Conspirators.

Slash has received critical acclaim as a guitarist. Time named him runner-up on their list of "The 10 Best Electric Guitar Players" in 2009, while Rolling Stone placed him at No. 65 on their list of "The 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time" in 2011. Guitar Worldranked his solo in "November Rain" No. 6 on their list of "The 100 Greatest Guitar Solos" in 2008, and Total Guitar placed his riff in "Sweet Child o' Mine" at No. 1 on their list of "The 100 Greatest Riffs" in 2004. In 2012, he was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, along with other members of Guns N' Roses.

Saul Hudson was born in Hampstead, London. He was named after Saul Steinberg, an artist. His mother, Ola Hudson (born Oliver; 1946–2009), was an African-American costume designer, whose clients included David Bowie, and his father, Anthony Hudson, is an English artist who created album covers for musicians such as Neil Young and Joni Mitchell.

The separation of Slash’s parents in 1974 due to several issues like constant separation, Anthony’s dislike of Ola’s mother aiding with the family and Anthony’s love of alcohol constantly making him insult others led to Slash becoming extremely troubled and a self-described "problem child,". When the separation occurred, Slash chose to live with Ola and he was often sent to live with his beloved maternal grandmother whenever his mother had to travel for her job. He was given the nickname "Slash" by family friend Seymour Cassel, because he was "always in a hurry, zipping around from one thing to another."

In 1979, Slash decided to form a band with his friend Steven Adler. The band never materialized, but it prompted Slash to take up an instrument. Slash was originally planned to play the trumpet but since Adler had designated himself the role of guitarist, Slash decided to learn how to play bass. Equipped with a one-stringflamenco guitar given to him by his grandmother, he began taking classes with Robert Wolin, a teacher at Fairfax Music School. During his first lesson, Slash decided to switch from bass to guitar after hearing Wolin play "Brown Sugar" by the Rolling Stones. His decision to play guitar was further influenced by one of his school teachers, who would play songs by Cream and Led Zeppelin for his students. As a result, Slash stated, "When I heard him do that, I said, 'That's what I want to do.'”.  A champion BMX rider, Slash put the bike aside to devote himself to playing guitar, practising up to twelve hours a day. In an article in Guitar Player magazine, Slash has stated that anyone familiar with his guitar playing 'can trace a direct line to Jimmy Page.

Amazing Place


The Ka’bah, Mecca

The Kaaba or Ka'aba (Arabicالكعبة‎‎ al-Kaʿbah), also known as the Sacred House (بيت الحرام‎Baytu l-Ḥarām) and the Ancient House (البيت العتيق‎ Baytu l-'Atīq), is a cuboid building at the centre of Islam's most sacredmosqueAl-Masjid al-Haram, in MeccaSaudi Arabia. It is the most sacred point within this most sacred mosque, making it the most sacred location in Islam. Wherever they are in the world, Muslims are expected to face the Kaaba – i.e. when outside Mecca, to face toward Mecca – when performing salat (prayers). The Al-Masjid al-Haram mosque was built around the Kaaba. From any point in the world, the direction facing the Kaaba is called the Qibla.

As long as they are able to do so, one of the Five Pillars of Islam requires every Muslim to perform the Hajj pilgrimage at least once in his or her lifetime. Multiple parts of the Hajj require pilgrims to make Tawaf, the circumambulation seven times around the Kaaba in a counter-clockwise direction. This circumambulation is also performed by pilgrims during the Umrah (lesser pilgrimage). 

However, the most interesting times are during the Hajj, when millions of pilgrims gather to circle the building on the same day. In 2013, the number of pilgrims coming from outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to perform Hajj was officially reported as 1,100,544.

The Kaaba is a cuboid structure which is made of granite quarried from nearby hills. Standing upon a 250 cm (98 in) marble base that projects outwards about 35 cm (14 in),[1] it is approximately 13.1 m (43 ft) high, with sides measuring 11.03 m (36.2 ft) by 12.86 m (42.2 ft).[6][7] Inside the Kaaba, the floor is made of marble and limestone. The interior walls are clad with marble halfway to the roof. The marble is inset with Qur'anic inscriptions.
The wall directly adjacent to the entrance of the Kaaba has six tablets inlaid with inscriptions. The top part of the walls are covered with a green cloth embroidered with gold Qur'anic verses. Caretakers anoint the marble cladding with scented oil used on the Black Stone outside. Three pillars stand inside the Kaaba, with a small altar set between one and the other two. Lamp-like objects (possible crucible censers) hang by a rope above the platform. An enclosed staircase leads to the roof.

Friday, 21 February 2014


The story of The Litte Jackal and The Camel tells us about a careless little jackal that brings unfortunate to his friend, the camel. As the result of his action, the camel avenge him by drowning him to the river.
The lesson that we can get from the story is, the way people treat you depend on the way you treat people. If  you do good things too others, they will do good things to you too. And so do if you do bad things.

Natural Phenomenon

Fire whirl

A fire whirl with flames in the vortex
Fire whirls, also known as fire devils, fire tornadoes or firenados, are whirlwinds of flame that may occur when intense heat and turbulent wind conditions combine to form whirling eddies of air. These eddies can tighten into a tornado-like structure that sucks in burning debris and combustible gases.

A fire tornado consists of a core—the part that is actually on fire—and an invisible pocket of rotating air that feeds fresh oxygen to the core. The core of a typical fire tornado is 1 to 3 feet (0.30 to 0.91 m) wide and 50 to 100 feet (15 to 30 m) tall. Under the right conditions, very large fire tornadoes—several tens of feet wide and more than a thousand feet (300 meters) tall—can form. The temperature inside the core of a fire tornado can reach up to 2,000 °F (1,090 °C)—hot enough to potentially reignite ashes sucked up from the ground. Often, fire tornadoes are created when a wildfire or firestorm creates its own wind, which can turn into a spinning vortex of flame.
Combustible, carbon-rich gases released by burning vegetation on the ground are fuel for most fire tornadoes. When sucked up by a whirl of air, this unburned gas travels up the core until it reaches a region where there is enough fresh, heated oxygen to set it ablaze. This causes the tall and skinny appearance of a fire tornado's core.
Real-world fire whirls usually move fairly slowly. Fire tornadoes can set objects in their paths ablaze and can hurl burning debris out into their surroundings. The winds generated by a fire tornado can also be dangerous. Large fire tornadoes can create wind speeds of more than 100 miles per hour (160 km/h)—strong enough to knock down trees.
Fire tornadoes can last for an hour or more, and they cannot be extinguished directly.
During the 2003 Canberra bushfires, a fire tornado with a diameter of nearly 500 metres (1,600 ft) with horizontal winds exceeding 250 kilometres per hour (160 mph) was documented. Further research into the fires confirmed this in 2012. In Canberra, wind damage consistent with an F3 tornado on the Fujita Scale was observed, in addition to the fire damage.[3] New research released in 2013 showed that the supercell thunderstorm that caused the tornado originated from the converging winds of firestorm itself, one of the first confirmed observations of an intense thunderstorm forming from a Pyrocumulonimbus cloud.
The Great Peshtigo Fire grew into a firestorm which probably made one or several true tornadoes. Roofs were torn off the houses; even railway wagons were tossed around.
Another extreme example of a fire tornado from other than a vegetation fire is the 1923 Great Kantō earthquake in Japan which ignited a large city-sized firestorm  and produced a gigantic fire whirl that killed 38,000 in fifteen minutes in the Hifukusho-Ato region of Tokyo.
Another example is the numerous large fire whirls (some tornadic) that developed after lightning struck an oil storage facility near San Luis Obispo, California on 7 April 1926, several of which produced significant structural damage well away from the fire, killing two. Thousands of whirlwinds were produced by the four-day-long  firestorm coincident with conditions that produced severe thunderstorms, in which the larger fire whirls carried debris 5 kilometers away.
There are currently three known types of fire whirls:
·         Type 1: Stable and centered over burning area.
·         Type 2: Stable or transient, downwind of burning area.
·         Type 3: Steady or transient, centered over an open area adjacent to an asymmetric burning area with wind.
There is evidence suggesting that the fire whirl in the Hifukusho-ato area, during the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923, was of type 3.


To all 10th grade students of SMA Negeri 3 Bandung, there will be no school activity on Saturday because of the opening ceremony of Dewa Athena that will be held on Saturday, February 15th, 2014 at Bali Field. All students must participate in the opening ceremony, because the attendant list will be used in exchange of school attendant list.
Thank you for your attention.

M. Dzaky Farhan